My Story
We start in the shower, where I feel the lump for the first time.
“What is this?”
Is it a fat lump? I’ve had those before on my back, so I feel like this makes the most sense, and it literally feels the same….
Because I knew that emotions bring on cancer, I looked into seeing what this actually was, since I was dealing with a lot of emotional things that have recently come up, A lot of my childhood trauma was brought back.
I had to find a doctor because I hadn’t been to one in 4 YEARS. I was healthy with no need for one, so I really was starting from square one here.
Luckily, I got in with the first one I called!
I went in, and he sent me straight to the breast specialist the very next day. My head was spinning.
When he said, “breast specialist”, I felt a wave of heat from my head to my toes. I immediately thought cancer.
You see, my grandmother passed away from cancer when my mom was just 12 years old…
But I was strongly calm because I was fairly confident that even if it was cancer, I would be able to beat it.
So, I went to his office, he did an ultrasound. And there it was. A 4+ cm tumor.
Immediate biopsy. Oh goodness, this must be bad. Now, mind you, I had NO LUMP just 30 days prior, so this must be growing fast.
I had to wait a FULL 10 DAYS to get my results which was beyond scary, but I was trusting God.
I went back in for my results meeting…I took my daughter with me because everything was a blur, and I needed someone to keep track of the details.
As I was sitting next to her, I heard the words “Stage 4, triple negative” which I later found out meant VERY AGGRESSIVE and RETURNING.
The crazy thing is, he said it was very aggressive which is why it was so huge, and wasn’t even there the month before…
I started a routine as soon as I found the lump….so before the doctors and anything else….
It was a Hail Mary, but what did I really have to lose?
Within 2 months, the lump was HALF THE SIZE.
Chemo through my body into a tailspin.
The first one, I had a bad reaction, turned my sunburn into 2nd degree burns….
Another chemo…felt like an elephant was on my chest. They gave me steroids and I couldn’t sleep for a week. The 3rd reaction I thought my kidneys were exploding, right there I felt God was telling me I didn’t need chemo.
Finally, I was able to get surgery to remove what was left.
It’s still hard for me to believe, but in less than 6 months from doing my regimen I started when I found out….the lump was now less than 1 cm!
To this day, I continue to do the regimen every day, to make sure it never comes back.